Levenson has created an enchanting tale filled with engaging characters, demonic foes, rich historical details, and a fairy tale atmosphere. If you enjoyed Rena Rossner’s The Sisters of the Winter Wood or Katherine Arden’s The Bear and the Nightingale, this is a must read! A...
Los Angeles Jewish Journal on The Hidden Saint
I’ve read fictionalized books by Jews, about Jews or Judaism, that have disappointed. This isn’t one of those. Click here to read the review/interview Warning: Contains some...
Audiobook Preview
THE HIDDEN SAINT audiobook is coming on May 24! Listen to a sample below, and order your copy now. Order now from Audible Order now from Amazon...
On Pesach, this vegetable monster wants to turn you into a salad
You would think that the ten plagues of Egypt, as you’ve always known them, are terrifying enough. But you’d be wrong.
Book this family excursion for Chanukah
Anyone looking for a delightful excursion this Chanukah would do well to visit an eastern European outpost called “the Village.” It’s located in the middle of the Black Forest, somewhere between Russia and Poland and, occasionally, Germany.
Jewish supernatural horror: Oxymoron? Discuss.
Given all we’ve been through, do Jews really need Jewish supernatural horror movies? The question arises anew with the streaming release of writer/director Keith Thomas’ supernatural horror film, The Vigil.